Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Drawing the Line; art of comics, illustration, animation" Art Show

"Drawing the Line" Art Show signage (by Matthew Hernandez)

Red Eye Art book can be seen on stand through the gallery entrance.

Our display. (framed piece by Matthew Board on right)

Red Eye Art is a group of present and past Simpson artists which I am a part of. Our Red Eye Art's first book was on display this month of May 2011, at the Clermont Art Gallery in Ohio, at the "Drawing the Line; art of comics, illustration, animation" art show. According to the curator of the show Kim Taylor, the show was a success and inspiring to the students. A print of "Tiki Devil" by me-(SleepyTiki) which is in the art book, was also on display along with the Red Eye Art group's book. The Red Eye Art group and I send a heartfelt thanks to Kim Taylor & the Clermont College Gallery for inviting us to participate in this awesome show of multi-talented artists.

To see more photos of the "Drawing the Line" gallery show in Ohio, and enjoy all the art on display, go to Kim Taylor's Blog-(the curator) by copy pasting the following link;

http://www.kimraetaylor.com/KimRaeTaylor.com/PHOTO_ALBUMS/Pages/Drawing_the_Line.html#grid While visiting Kim's page, check out her fine art. She is an amazing and talented artist.

For more info on Red Eye Art group click here:
The Red Eye Art Group's Blog

If you are interested in buying a copy of the
 Red Eye Art
book, or a print of "Tiki Devil" , contact me. I have copies of both.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Senior Portrait

Been toiling away, learning as much as possible about the ins & outs of photography. So much to still learn. I've been practicing any chance I get. I took some shots of my beautiful cousin while visiting her in Nevada a few months ago. There are so many shots of her that turned out well, but this was her favorite. She decided she wanted to add this to her Senior portraits to give out as wallets. I'm so honored!